Vaibhav Boliya

I'm a passionate Software Engineer

About me

My name is Vaibhav Boliya and I'm a Software Engineer

I enjoy turning complex problems into simple one. When I'm not coding or talking, you'll find me traveling or exploring new places.

Browse some of my work, view my skills, or get in touch.

You can also find me on Github, LinkedIn.

For more you can explore my skills or get my resume


  • Javascript, Python , Java ,Php
  • HTML, CSS, JQuery, Javascript, React.js , NOSql , Sql , Express.js , JWT , Rest API , Laravel, Nodejs and its libraries
  • Node.js, Laravel.
  • Data Stucture, Progblem Solving, Analysis of Algorithms.
  • Amazon Web services , GitHub , Heroku , Visual Code Studio ,Linux, Jira, Firebase console.
  • Mysql , Oracle , MongoDB , Firebase.
  • Git, Bitbucket.
Check My Projects

My Projects


getHotel is a website where users can create and review hotels. In order to review or create a hotel, you must have an account...

Nodejs, Express, MongoDB,Heroku

reactcolors app

A clone of websites like Flat UI Colors and Material UI Colors where users can create color palettes or use the existing one....

React.JS, MaterialUI,ReactHooks,Heroku

AK Gandhi and Associates

It is a CA firm portfolio website...

HTML & CSS, Javascript, JQuery, SEO


A web App to make leave and attendance process paperless and provide easy to usse system...

HTML & CSS, JS, Mysql, Laravel


To maintain list of tasks which needs to be done and remains in database.

Express.JS, MongoDB, Node, Html & CSS

Vari App

It is a image processing web app helps to understand farm field & plants bettter...

Flask, Mysql, OpenCV, Python

Clock Timer

A basic clock timer app that alert when time ends.

HTML & CSS, JavaScript

RGB Game

A basic RGB game to improve the knowledge of rgb colors.

HTML & CSS, JavaScript


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Designed by Vaibhav Boliya